Hi, Reader,
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
—Mother Teresa
Many new authors become overwhelmed with the books already out there in the world. They ask: What can I even add?
I coach authors to craft a “catalyst book,” designed to help them get from where they are today to creating the impact they want to make on the world.
Yes, “impact on the world” might seem lofty. But here’s where your unique factor comes in. When you write a book from your unique perspective and expertise, with your unique message to your unique reader, your book is like casting a stone into your unique pond. It casts ripples that reach far and wide, and the beautiful thing is it does that without you uttering a word. Your book is out there in the world, inspiring and changing lives, tossing continual pebbles in the pond.
If a book is on your heart this year, I hope you’ll take action and lean into the uniqueness of your story and message. I believe in you!
Free webinar: January 17! Have you registered yet?
New Year, New Book: How to Finish Your Nonfiction Book in 2025 is happening January 17.
Register now.
What: LIVE training and QA session
When: January 17, at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET
Sign up: Register here.
I’ll teach you both the high-level approach to writing a nonfiction book and success strategies for completing the book, including getting support on the journey.
Best of all, I’ll be answering your questions LIVE, coaching you through stuck points and cheering you on as you pursue your dream of authorhood! Don’t miss out on this chance to kick-start your author goal in 2025.